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How to repeat an action each X seconds in Unity C#

I want the action "randomNumber" to happen once every 30 seconds.

public class INScript : MonoBehaviour
    int rnd;

    void Start()
         Invoke("randomNumber", 30);   

    public void randomNumber()
        rnd = Random.Range(0, 100);

You can use InvokeRepeating to achieve it. In your case it would look something like this:

void Start()
     InvokeRepeating("randomNumber", 0, 30);   

Where 0 is the initial delay before the method is called (So, instant) and 30 is every 30 seconds that method will be repeated

You will need to use Coroutines .

bool running;

IEnumerator DoWork(int time) 
    // Set the function as running
    running = true;
    // Do the job until running is set to false
    while (running)
        // Do your code
        // wait for seconds
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(time);

To call it use the following:

// Start the function on a 30 second time delay

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