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How to run e2e tests if Angular project is generated in NX workspace with preset "empty"?

If you create an NX workspace with preset angular , you can run e2e tests successfully using yarn e2e

yarn create nx-workspace start-angular --preset=angular --appName=web --packageManager=yarn --nx-cloud=false --style=scss --routing --viewEncapsulation=Emulated --enableIvy --unitTestRunner=jest --e2eTestRunner=cypress --linter=eslint
cd start-angular
yarn e2e

However, if you create a workspace with preset empty and add an Angular project later (eg to be able to pass additional options like --strict ),

yarn create nx-workspace start-empty --preset empty --packageManager=yarn --nx-cloud=false
cd start-empty
yarn add --dev @nrwl/angular
yarn nx generate @nrwl/angular:application --name=web --strict --style=scss --routing --viewEncapsulation=Emulated --enableIvy --unitTestRunner=jest --e2eTestRunner=cypress --linter=eslint
yarn e2e

you get the following error when you run e2e tests (output of yarn e2e ):

yarn run v1.22.10
$ nx e2e
No project name specified. Using default project : web
 ERROR  Cannot find target 'e2e' for project 'web'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

How to change the configuration in the workspace start-empty to be able to run e2e tests using yarn e2e ? You can run yarn e2e web-e2e , but I don't understand, why yarn e2e is not working in NX workspace start-empty but in start-angular .

Can you try nx e2e web-e2e ? This is the name of the default e2e project that is created for an app with the name web when you run the nx generate @nrwl/angular:application schematic. Indeed, in your workspace.json there will be no e2e target for the project web , but there will be one for the web-e2e project which is the e2e project you want to run!

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