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How can I use iterator values in templates?

Consider the following code:

#include <iostream>

enum class E

template<E e> int f();

template<> int f<E::A>(){ return 1; }
template<> int f<E::B>(){ return 2; }

int main()
  for( const E i : {E::A, E::B} )
      std::cout << f<i>() << "\n";

This fails to compile, because i is not initialised with a constant expression. Is it possible make this idea of a code work?

This is very related: Why isn't a for-loop a compile-time expression? .

i in your loop is not a constant expression. However, by stealing from this answer one can make your code call f<i> inside the loop. It is not directly what you asked for because the proposed solution is for size_t index based loops instead of iterators, but it does call f<i> for all values of the enum:

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

// your code

enum class E

template<E e> int f();

template<> int f<E::A>(){ return 1; }
template<> int f<E::B>(){ return 2; }

// https://stackoverflow.com/a/47563100/4117728

template<std::size_t N>
struct num { static const constexpr auto value = N; };

template <class F, std::size_t... Is>
void for_(F func, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
  using expander = int[];
  (void)expander{0, ((void)func(num<Is>{}), 0)...};

template <std::size_t N, typename F>
void for_(F func)
  for_(func, std::make_index_sequence<N>());

// emulate constexpr for (size_t i=0;i<2;++i) f<i>();    

int main()
  for_<2>([&] (auto i) {      
    std::cout << f<static_cast<E>(decltype(i)::value)>();

Output :


Probably there is a simpler solution for your actual problem. The answer to your literal question is: No. You cannot call f<i> when i is not a compile time constant. For detailed explanation I refer you to the above mentioned q&a.

The compiler is not able to deduce i in the call to f<i>() . This is because compilation happens before runtime, and the value of i is only available during runtime. You can work around this by adding a translator.

#include <iostream>

enum class E

template<E e> int f();

template<> int f<E::A>(){ return 1; }
template<> int f<E::B>(){ return 2; }

int bar(E e)
  int retval = 0;
    case E::A:
      return f<E::A>();
    case E::B:
      return f<E::B>();
  return retval;

int main()
  for( const E i : {E::A, E::B} )
      std::cout << bar(i) << "\n";

  return 0;

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