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Google Sheets Apps Script -- select value from cell with multiple lines

This is in GoogleSheets, using AppsScript.

Suppose I have a cell in A1 that contains the following value:

Dog Dog
Cat Cat Cat

I know I can select the entire contents of the cell using .getValue() , but how would I select just the fist line, Dog Dog , or just the second line, Cat Cat Cat ? Each line may have multiple words associated to it, so I can't simply split by using the space.

Great question. You can still use .getValue() but you will need to add one more piece to break apart the value to the desired string. value.split("\n")[0]; will get the first linebreak listed. If you want to get a different line then change [0] to another number.

function selectSingleLine() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var tab = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
  var value = tab.getRange(1,1).getValue();  
  var firstBreak = value.split("\n")[0]; 
  var secondBreak = value.split("\n")[1];

You can split by using char(10)


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