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Typescript function extended interface type

I have a function which takes an array of objects which do not have an id property and return all those objects with an id property added to them.

const pickIdAndDocs = (arr) => {
  return arr.map(doc => ({
    id: 1,

Now, for example if i have this interface

interface iUser {
  name: string;

and an array containing values of type iUser

let users: iUser[] = [ {name: "John"}, {name: "Joe"} ];

How do i specify the return type of the function pickIdAndDocs , such that it returns an array where each item is an extended type of the input type it takes with an added id property

function pickIdAndDocs<T>(items : T[] ) : extendedT[];

This function can take an array of any type (will always be objects/key-value pairs), an return all items with an appended id property.

Or am i approaching this the wrong way? Thanks:)

Essentially we want to build up new type by combining two types. One with {id: number} and another is whatever passed to the function. This exactly what intersection type does. Assuming my interpretation of your problem is correct, I think this is what you want:

interface User {
  name: string;

type WithId<T> = T & { id: number };

const pickIdAndDocs = <T,>(arr: T[]): WithId<T>[] => {
  return arr.map((doc) => ({
    id: 1,

let users: User[] = [{ name: "John" }, { name: "Joe" }];

const usersWithId = pickIdAndDocs(users);

// No warning!

// Warning: Property 'age' does not exist on type 'WithId<User>'.

Here is the TS Playground link: https://tsplay.dev/ND5B4m

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