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Inserting an element in a circular linked list

I'm trying to implement a method in a circular linked list where I should insert an element in this list but the list should sorted. I tried my approache but it didn't work, but I think that my logic is correct.

This is my approach:

public void insert(int value) {
        Element tmp = new Element (value);      
        //special case: empty list
        if(this.head == null) {
            tmp.next = tmp;
            this.head = tmp;
            this.rear = tmp;
        if(this.head.data > value) {
            this.rear.next = tmp;
            tmp.next = this.head;
            this.head = tmp;            
        if(this.rear.data < value) {
            this.rear.next = tmp;
            tmp.next = this.head;
            this.rear = tmp;
        Element cur = this.head;
        while(cur != this.rear && cur.data < value) {
            cur = cur.next;
        tmp.next = cur.next;
        cur.next = tmp;  

The method is always looping i'm never getting a result, why is that?

Handled special cases should end with a return (or else ).

Then if you insert between old_cur (lesser data) and cur (greater data) you have to change old_cur.next . In java one unfortunately need a previous node.

public void insert(int value) {

    if (head == null) {
        head = new Element(value);
        head.next = nead;
        rear = head;
    Element cur = this.head;
    Element prev = rear;
    while (cur != this.rear && cur.data < value) {
        prev = cur;
        cur = cur.next;
    if (cur.data == value) {
    Element addition = new Element(value);
    addition.next = cur;
    prev.next = addition;

The above does not exploit having a rear (also called tail in computer science). Also sometimes an Element (node) is double linked, having a .previous . Which would allow navigation in both directions with some advantages.

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