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Flutter : how to conditionally repeat a showDialog inside a ListView

I am using the flutter_reactive_ble_example to connect to my Bluetooth module by modifying the file device_list.dart.

and I wonder how do I re prompt the user if password is wrong.

I'm fairly new to flutter, please do ask more details if required.

here is the code snippet that I currently have:

child: ListView(
  children: widget.scannerState.discoveredDevices
        (device) => ListTile(
          title: Text(tile.name),
          subtitle: Text("${tile.name}\n: ${tile.sub}"),
          leading: const ConnectIcon(),
          onTap: () async {
            //stop the scan
            //connect to the device
            await widget.deviceConn.connect(device.id);
            //prompt user for password              
            final inputData = await showDialog(
              context: context,
                  false, // prevent user from closing the dialog by pressing outside the dialog
              builder: (_) {
                String userData = "";
                return AlertDialog(
                  title: new Text("Enter Password"),
                  content: new TextField(
                    onChanged: (value) {
                      userData = value;
                  actions: <Widget>[
                      child: Text('Ok'),
                      onPressed: () async {
                        //on press subscribe and send the password
                        response = await ble.subscribeToCharacteristic(characteristic);

                        //if data failure check, how do I reshow this showDialog??
                        response.listen((event) {
                            if(event == 1){
                              //if return 1, password correct 
                              //if not reshow Dialog
                        //send password
                        ble.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse(characteristic, value: userData);

                inputData); // pass data back to the previous page

You can use a recursion I think, here an example

Future _showPasswordDialog(){
 return showDialog(
              context: context,
                  false, // prevent user from closing the dialog by pressing outside the dialog
              builder: (_) {
                String userData = "";
                return AlertDialog(
                  title: new Text("Enter Password"),
                  content: new TextField(
                    onChanged: (value) {
                      userData = value;
                  actions: <Widget>[
                      child: Text('Ok'),
                      onPressed: () async {
                        //on press subscribe and send the password
                        response = await ble.subscribeToCharacteristic(characteristic);

                        //if data failure check, how do I reshow this showDialog??
                        response.listen((event) {
                            if(event == 1){
                              //if return 1, password correct 
                              //if not reshow Dialog
                        //send password
                        ble.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse(characteristic, value: userData);

separate the the alert prompting as another function, and return user details if login success else return null.

Future<String> promptAlert(BuildContext context){

 return showDialog(
              context: context,
                  false, // prevent user from closing the dialog by pressing outside the dialog
              builder: (_) {
                String userData = "";
                return AlertDialog(
                  title: new Text("Enter Password"),
                  content: new TextField(
                    onChanged: (value) {
                      userData = value;
                  actions: <Widget>[
                      child: Text('Ok'),
                      onPressed: () async {
                        //on press subscribe and send the password
                        response = await ble.subscribeToCharacteristic(characteristic);

                        //if data failure check, how do I reshow this showDialog??
                        response.listen((event) {
                            if(event == 1){
                              //if return 1, password correct 
                        //send password
                        ble.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse(characteristic, value: userData);


and check for the returned value is not null on the ListItem onTap

bool isLogin = (await promptAlert(context)) !=null;
while(isLogin ){
           duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
           content: Text('Login Failed Try again')));
           String user= await Future.delayed(
                  Duration(seconds: 2), () => promptAlert(context));
 isLogin =  user !=null;

If you want to show a snackbar and delayed alert,

                    duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
                    content: Text('Login Failed Try again'),
                      Duration(seconds: 2), () => promptAlert(context));

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