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INSERT query with doctrine

Good morning all, I am on a project under symfony4 ' I made an association membership management application. Until now when I wanted to update my membership list with a csv file I did it directly in phpMyAdmin. I have a staging table which I called 'import_csv'. I import my csv file on this table and thanks to two requests I add and update my membership list. But I would like to create an admin interface to do the same. I managed to create the import management of my csv file on my intermediate table. I would like to transcribe my SQL queries into my Symfony Controller and this is where I am blocking. My first SQL query to add new members located on my table:

INSERT INTO adherent
FROM import_csv LEFT JOIN adherent ON import_csv.to_number=adherent.to_number
WHERE adherent.to_number IS NULL

I tried a lot of things but I can't do it:

     * @Route("import/insert", name="import_insert")
public function import_insert(ObjectManager $manager)
    $qb = $manager->createQueryBuilder();
    $qb ->select('import_csv.last_name,import_csv.first_name,import_csv.to_number,import_csv.born')
        ->leftjoin('\App\Entity\Adherent on i.to_number=a.to_number','a')
        ->where('a.to_number IS NULL');
        $adherent = new \App\Entity\Adherent();
    return $this->redirectToRoute('import_csv');

Thank you for any help you could give me.

I used a layer underlying the ORM, the DBAL (for Database Abstraction Layer) which allows among other things native queries.

use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
     * @Route("import/insert", name="import_insert")
public function import_insert(Connection $connection): Response
    $users = $connection->fetchAll('INSERT INTO adherent
    FROM import_csv LEFT JOIN adherent ON import_csv.to_number=adherent.to_number
    WHERE adherent.to_number IS NULL');
    return $this->redirectToRoute('import_csv');

It works. the database takes the value indicate but the return does not take place and I have this error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error

It's good I found.

$connection->exec('INSERT INTO adherent

exec and no fetchAll

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