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How to use service name in DataStax and not IP?

Using the Datastax C# Driver I'm trying to connect to Cassandra which was deployed to Azure Kubernetes Services using a Bitnami helm chart.

var cluster = Cluster.Builder()
   .AddContactPoint("") // example IP
   .WithCredentials("cassie", "some-pass")

When trying this locally I use kubectl port-forward , but when I'm uploading my service to Kubernetes I want to use service name. Many applications shown to me by colleagues use just that. When I add the link that helm chart gives to me after I install it

Cassandra can be accessed through the following URLs from within the cluster:

  • CQL: service-name.some-namespace.svc.cluster.local:9042

I'm unable to connect, I'm getting a Cassandra.NoHostAvailableException and I have to use an IP.

How to solve this problem. The IP changes every time I redeploy. How can I use the name instead of the IP?

Apparently, providing the DNS with format "DNS:PORT" as a parameter for AddContactPoint was not working. Using the method WithPort did the trick.

var cluster = Cluster.Builder()
   .WithCredentials("cassie", "some-pass")

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