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Custom File format using Spool SQLPLUS

I am trying to export data from multiple tables to a custom pipe delimited file format. I am able to generate pipe delimited file from single table, but not able to achieve the required custom format.

Here is the format:


Where first row that starts with HD is from separate table, last one is hardcoded and data in rows in the middle is from the main table. How I can generate this format.dat file using SPOOL SQL*PLUS or with any other utility that is more suitable to scenario.

Thank you

It's been 5 hours since you posted the question and no replies yet. Maybe it means that you can't do it the way you planned to.

"Trivial" solution would be to use 3 SELECT statements with a UNION ALL , eg

select 'HD', col1, col2, col3 from table_1
select number of columns from table_2
select 'FT', 000000003 from dual

but it won't work because

  • number of columns doesn't match
  • datatypes probably don't match either

You could run 3 separate select statements, but there'll be empty lines in between.

Therefore, consider switching to PL/SQL and UTL_FILE package to create such a file.

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