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How to add multiple state in one cubit in flutter bloc pattern?

I was developing an application in flutter which does OTP based authentication to log in. Earlier I was managing the states in the class itself so that I can use the setState method to render the UI accordingly. Then I changed into flutter_bloc cubit pattern to manage the states. But I fail to understand that how can I keep track of multiple states in one cubit.

Consider the following code of State and Cubit,


abstract class LoginState {}

class LoginInitial extends LoginState {
  final Map loginState;

class LoginCubit extends Cubit<LoginState> {
  Map loginState = {
    "isPhoneSubmitted": false,
    "isOtpArrived": false,
      : super(
            loginState: {
              "isPhoneSubmitted": false,
              "isOtpArrived": false,

  void sendOtp() {
        loginState: {
          "isPhoneSubmitted": true,
          "isOtpArrived": false,
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 4), () {
          loginState: {
            "isPhoneSubmitted": true,
            "isOtpArrived": true,

Here, Initially, I'm setting both values inside the map as false. And when the user clicks on the button setting the isPhoneSubmitted to true. And a few seconds later isOtpArrived to true(In future after getting OTP). However, I don't think this is the right approach to implement the pattern. Consider If I have 10 properties in a class and I'm sending a map of 10 properties each time when emit method is called.

Can someone help me understand or implement the best practice to hold/update multiple states to the widget the Cubit is listening to?

Also, in the widget, this is how I'm listening to the changes,

 BlocBuilder<LoginCubit, LoginState>(builder: (context, state) {
                final data = (state as LoginInitial).loginState;
                if (!data["isPhoneSubmitted"]) {
                  return phoneNumberSubmitWidget();
                } else {
                  return codeVerificationWidget();

However, I don't think this is the right approach to implement the pattern.

You are correct. The first step for complex state switches is to not use Cubit but an actual Bloc . Cubits are meant for very simple data with basically no state flow logic at all. Like an int. Or maybe a DarkTheme/LightTheme switch. Or maybe the language, where it can only ever be one and exactly one.

But you have a complex flow. With "in-between" states. So use a Bloc and read the tutorial on this, in this case probable the login tutorial .

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