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ReferenceError: Cannot access 'loginToday' before initialization

I'm calling a function from router, that call another function,
but I get back an error:

ReferenceError: Cannot access 'loginToday' before initialization

router.get('/public', function (req, res, next) {
  Cedacri.collectData().then((resp) => { // <---- Call Controller function collectData()
    res.render('public', { data: resp });

// DataController.js
exports.loginToday = async function loginToday() {
    // Data
    let object = {
        'total_login_bpnow': 1,
        'total_login_bpnow_desktop': 2,
        'total_login_bpnow_mobile': 3,

    return object;

exports.collectData = async function collectData() { // <---- router call this function
    let loginToday = await loginToday(); // so here call loginToday() but here get Error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'loginToday' before initialization

Any idea how can I solve that?

You named your variable the same as your function and the compiler is confused:

let loginTodayResult = await loginToday();

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