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How to deploy AWS-Lambda with boto3 and Docker?

Environment .
jupyterlab, python 3.8.
ubuntu 20.04LTS.
(Client: macos bigsur / google chrome).
using boto3.

Situation .
I builded docker image and pushed it to ECR successfully.
That image has awslambdaric and contains aws-lambda-rie.
I can deploy that image with AWS Lambda console.

I want .
Deploy it to lambda using boto3(=python code).

problem .
Following boto3 manual, deploying lambda is like next:

import boto3
lambdac = boto3.client('lambda')
dic = {
#    'Runtime':'python3.8',

This make error.
It needs Runtime, so I added runtime (I think docker container version doesn't need runtime).
And run, and another error returns.

InvalidParameterValueException: An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the CreateFunction operation: Runtime and Handler are mandatory parameters for functions created with deployment packages.

The error makes me think "Isn't support boto3 deploy lambda with container?"
Because I didn't saw a example deploying container to lambda with boto3.

Question .
Is not boto3 supply deploying container to lambda?
Or Other boto3 function supplies it? (ecr client or others...).
Or is there any other method for python developing environment to deploy a container to lambda?

I solved it myself.

the kwargs of create_function needs "PackageType":"Image"

import boto3
lambdac = boto3.client('lambda')
dic = {
    'PackageType':'Image'   #add this parameter

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