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Angular Compiler looking for html files in NX buildable library

Im new to NX, created a library "designsystem-angular-header" that depends on another library "designsystem-angular"

When I try to build the compiler goes to the dist folder to search for html files for the dependency? Only there are none, only typescript files... Has anyone had some experience with this?

I have an out of the box Angular 12 tsconfig settings, with the exception of

"angularCompilerOptions": {
    "enableIvy": false

The error is saying in short that it cant find the html files, which I find to be a bit strange that it is looking for those in the first place...

nx run designsystem-angular-header:build:production 

Building entry point '@husbanken/designsystem-angular-header'

 Compiling TypeScript sources through NGC
ERROR: Cannot read file C:\Users\hoko\IdeaProjects\hb-nx-frontend\husbanken\dist\libs\designsystem-angular\lib\accordion\accordion.component.html.

在此处输入图像描述 My versions are: "@angular/cli": "12.0.0", "@nrwl/cli": "12.3.3", Node: 12.14.1 npm: 6.12.0

you won't find html files on dist anyway, that's how it is

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