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Ansible version compare failure

I'm having an issue with a version compare not working for me in Ansible. In this example, Ansible runs the debug task, but I'm expecting it to be skipped. I'm running version 2.10.7. What am I missing?

- hosts: hqdbepo1
  gather_facts: true
  become: false
    - name: check NuGet version
      win_shell: (Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Select-Object Version | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).Trim()
      register: nuget_version
      changed_when: false
      check_mode: false

    - name: Ensure the required NuGet package provider version is installed
      debug: var=nuget_version['stdout_lines'][0]
      when: nuget_version['stdout_lines'][0] | string | replace('', '') is version('', '<')

The nuget_version['stdout_lines'][0] is ""

Yep. Turns out I thought the comparison was if <, but it's the other way around.

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