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How to dockerize rebar3-erlang application?

I have encountered some problems with dockerizing my rebar3 app. As I'm trying to run the app (after building) I receive an error /prod/bin/prod: line 272: /prod/erts- not found

This is my rebar.config:

{plugins, [rebar3_hex]}.
{deps, [
  {cowboy, "2.6.0"},
  {eredis, "1.3.3"},
  {hackney, "1.17.4"},
  {jiffy, "1.0.8"}

{shell, [
  % {config, "config/sys.config"},
    {apps, [gmm]}

{relx, [
    {release, {prod, "0.0.1"}, [

{profiles, [{prod, [{relx, [
                {dev_mode, false},
                {include_erts, true},
                {include_src, false},
                {debug_info, strip}]}]

And this is my Dockerfile

FROM erlang:23

RUN mkdir /buildroot
WORKDIR /buildroot

COPY src src/
COPY include include/
COPY rebar.config .
RUN rebar3 as prod release

FROM alpine

RUN apk add --no-cache openssl && \
    apk add --no-cache ncurses-libs

COPY --from=0 /buildroot/_build/prod/rel/prod /prod

CMD ["/prod/bin/prod", "console"]

Do you have any ideas what might be the source of the problem?

Erlang does not compile into binary files, you still need the erlang runtime to be able to run the application, yet your final docker image is a fresh alpine install that doesn't have erlang installed

erlang:23 docker container is debian-based. I suspect that error is because the release is generated on a debian container but executed on an alpine container. Generate the release from erlang:23-alpine -container.

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