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Upload image flutter web with dio formdata

I am trying using file_picker and dio packages to upload files as form data.

This is for flutter web and it seems MultipartFile.fromFile is not accepted.

What I tried is the following:

if (result != null) {    
  for (var file in result.files) {
    final formData = FormData.fromMap({
      'file': File(file.name), // <------ I guess this is where the issue is, I also tried file instead of File(file.name)
      data: formData,

If anyone is still wondering how to get it working on both mobile and web (This is using the image_picker's PickedFile as the image variable type):

 FormData body;
 final bytes = await image.readAsBytes();
 final MultipartFile file = MultipartFile.fromBytes(bytes, filename: "picture");
 MapEntry<String, MultipartFile> imageEntry = MapEntry("image", file);

** The catch is that the filename is required on web and is automatically assigned on mobile.**

Ok, I found it, leaving here for someone having the same problem

if (result != null) {    
  for (var file in result.files) {
    final formData = FormData.fromMap({
      'file': MultipartFile.fromBytes(file.bytes as List<int>)
      data: formData,

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