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Rails Minitest custom model validation test doesn't create an object

I've got a User model with validation when new user has an account_type set as 'organisation' the company_name should be mandatory.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  ACCOUNT_TYPES = %w[individual organisation].freeze

  validates :company_name, presence: true, if: :organisation_account?


  def organisation_account?
    account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPES[1]

I want to test this validation using Minitest and Shoulda Matchers, like below:

require 'test_helper'

class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  setup do
    @user = users(:active)

  context 'validations' do
    context 'when account_type is organisation' do
      @user.account_type = 'organisation'

      should validate_presence_of(:company_name)

But the test show me an error: undefined method account_type=' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) which means that for some reason the setup block does not create a user. What did I missed?

What did I missed?

Your tests should be in an it block. context blocks merely set up test environment, they don't define tests.

And, since there's not a single test in this file, the setup block didn't run.

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