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How to setup Nexus OSS in order to use docker proxy credentials

I've purchased a Docker account and setup my Docker proxy using Nexus OSS as following:

Repositories -> Create a Docker Proxy -> Select Use Docker Hub (Remote Storage: https://registry-1.docker.io ) -> with Authentication Enabled (providing username/password of Docker)

And inside my client I configured it to use my Nexus as registry mirror using following command:

systemctl edit docker

then added:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --registery-mirror=https://myprivatenexus.com

Yet when I'm trying to use " docker pull " inside my client I'll get the annoying "Docker Hub Pull Limits" error.

Is it possible to use my Docker account inside Nexus or should I try something else?

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We used Nexus at work in a similar setting. Your nexus configuration looks like ours. For me the client mirror configuration looks strange. If I access a nexus repository without any configured connectors the I have to configure on client side the whole context path.

After your screenshot: https://YOUR_SERVER/repository/DockerHub

If you would connect a dedicated repository connector eg http/8088, then you could configure your client with


The documentation from sonatype describes the same:

A configured context-path for the user interface does not affect the repository connector URLs used by Docker. Eg if your repository manager instance is configured to be available at http://localhost:8081/nexus instead of the default root context http://localhost:8081/, the URLs for your Docker repositories will still only use the configured port for the repository and omit the context path in the URL. This is a side-effect of the the fact that Docker does not support context paths in the registry API.

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