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Calling cpp function from NodeJS which has argument const int16_t *bar but getting error unbound type

I am trying to call CPP function from NodeJS

typedef struct foo {

    uint8_t     *data;
    int         dataSize;

} foo ;

foo *ExtractBar(const int16_t *bar);

I have tried nbind library in NodeJS. but getting unbound type error.

uint16 = Int16Array.from('12345');

I have also tried ffi-napi npm module. but from that I was getting segmentation fault error. can anyone help me please on how to pass correct argument from NodeJS code. I am not sure how to create similar structure in NodeJS-

const int16_t *bar

Usually you have to have a reference to a variable as JavaScript is a garbage collected language.

Specifically to nbind, have a look at this and this . You want to pass from NodeJS an buffer of uint16 so you could use nbind::Buffer .

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