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Repeatable File Store Stream for Mule 4.3 Community Edition

I am using repeatable-in-memory-stream in Mule 4 Community Edition.

<repeatable-in-memory-stream initialBufferSize="1" bufferSizeIncrement="5" maxBufferSize="100" bufferUnit="MB" />

But recently we started receiving very large files and the file:listener is failing with the following error:

org.mule.runtime.core.internal.streaming.bytes.MaxStreamingMemoryExceededException: Max streaming memory limit of 2000000000 bytes was exceeded

Can Repeatable File Store Stream be used to read large files. Is there any possibility to use Repeatable File Store Stream with the file:listener in Mule 4 Community Edition?

As you can read in the documentation for repeatable streaming, the File-Stored Repeatable Stream configuration is available only in the Enterprise Edition:

File storage is only available in Mule Enterprise Edition (Mule EE).

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