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Force @Autowired spring boot and webFlux

My application use spring boot and webflux with tomcat embedded.

I use a 3rd library that contains some servlet listeners.

A listener property injector of BagServletContextListener returns null when the app is started.

public class BagServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
    private BagInjector injector;

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {


How can I force initialization of this component through @bean or other way?

a piece of my pom.xml


Note: The packaging of app is a war.

The lack of initialization of this component cause null pointer exception in contextInitialized method.

[ERROR ] SRVE0283E: Exception caught while initializing context: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.devIo.ee.BagServletContextListener.contextInitialized(BagServletContextListener.java:33) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp.notifyServletContextCreated(WebApp.java:2391) at [internal classes]

You have not told Spring Boot to scan your BagServletContextListener class. The @WebListener does not accomplish that.

Add @ServletComponentScan to your SpringBootApplication class to ensure the BagInjector is scanned - and Spring knows how to autowire it for you.

Like this:

public class SpringBootApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringBootApp.class, args);


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