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Monitoring using telegraf and prometheus

How can I monitor another server from my pc using prometheus and telegraf? Do I need to install telegraf on both of them?

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Until then...

It appears that Telegraf supports Prometheus as an output plugin ( link ).

So you should be able to:

  1. Run Telegraf configured with Prometheus as an output plugin (see above)
  2. Run Prometheus configured to scrape the metrics exposed by #1

Assuming you use a Telegraf config of the form:

  ## Address to listen on.
  listen = ":9273"

You should be able to browse|curl http://localhost:9273/metrics from the host on which Telegraf's running to see the metrics it exposes.

NOTE If not localhost ( ) then replace localhost with the host's name|address.

Then you will want to configure a Prometheus scrape target to scrape the Telegraf metrics:

  # Telegraf
  - job_name: "telegraf-agent"
      - targets:
          - "localhost:9273"
  # Self
  - job_name: "prometheus-server"
      - targets:
          - "localhost:9090"

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