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Web API 2 Attribute Routing Not Working in 4.5 WebForms Project

I've seen many other questions that are similar to my title but none seem to be same issue or supply insight that I need.

I've added a Web API Controller to an existing, legacy 4.5 WebForms application and am trying to get it working with minimal changes to existing code base. So I don't have the typical static WebApiConfig class and other default created items when you create project from scratch. My existing code base is:


protected void Application_Start( Object sender, EventArgs e ) 
    GlobalConfiguration.Configure( config =>

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new
                id = RouteParameter.Optional
    } );


namespace Modeler.Endpoints
    public class KatAppEndpoints : ApiController
        [Route( "api/katapp/calculations" )]
        public IEnumerable<string> GetCalculations()
            return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };


$(document).ready(function() {
        .done(function () { debugger; })
        .fail(function (_jqXHR, errorStatus, errorMessage) { debugger; })
        .always(function () { debugger; });

When called, I hit the fail and always and the result is:

errorStatus: "error"
errorMessage: "Not Found"

Anything obvious I'm missing?


If instead I change my Controller to...

namespace Modeler.Endpoints
    public class KatAppsController : ApiController
        public IEnumerable<string> Get()
            return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

And my javascript to:

    .done(function () { debugger; })
    .fail(function (_jqXHR, errorStatus, errorMessage) { debugger; })
    .always(function () { debugger; });

Things work correctly. However, I have a handful of endpoints and wanted to use Attributes, but maybe I'll give up on that if I can figure out how to get another portion in the url (ie the /calculations part from above).

Not sure why, but this comment pointed me in the right spot: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38130308/166231

So even though I want to use attribute routing and might not be close to what controller name is, I still have to end the class name with *Controller . After renaming KatAppEndpoints to KatAppEndpointsController , everything worked.

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