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Cannot connect more than 3 BLE devices to web app

I'm having troubles connecting 6 BLE devices using web Bluetooth API. I manage to connect 3 but after the 3rd I get this error: DOMException: Connection failed for unknown reason. The laptop I use mounts a bluetooth 5.1. I tried with previous versions on other laptops and the pairing and connection worked for all the sensors. Why this happens it's still a mistery to me. Have you ever experienced this issue?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Maybe the Bluetooth controller you have attached to the computer has a maximum number of connections of 3 devices.

Unfortunately the web bluetooth apis don't forward the error code from the controller, but just says "unknown error" when a failure happens.

I solved the issue getting myself a bluetooth dongle. I guess the combo chip bluetooth+Wifi doesn't respond well to the type of job I was trying to do. So as one of the nice people that answered to my question suggested, it was indeed a hardware problem. With the dongle I managed to connect 5 devices and to receive data. Thanks to all of you for your help.

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