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git 2.32 git push -u origin master Nothing happens

I've starting to use git/github and I'm stucked on how to push my codes to github. I'm following some tutorials and when I type git push -u origin master nothing is happening, no logins screens opens as I've seen in this tutorials. I reallized that the process "credential manager" is running even after I had closed my git prompt. I did the same process in two different laptops, same issue. I'd like to know if is a problem of the version 2.32 thanks. 在此处输入图像描述

When I say nothing, means getting stuck in this line git push -u origin master. When I try to close git bash,the screen in print bellow show to me.

When you say "nothing is happening", do you mean I waited for less than 2 minutes and it appeared as though nothing happened? In that case it might be the credential manager. See issue git-credential-manager-core hangs on get #364 . To see more logging it might be useful to run the command $ GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_TRANSFER_TRACE=1 GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE=1 GCM_TRACE=1 git push -u origin master . Your problem might be fixed by setting the credential provider. For a github server you can do this $ GCM_PROVIDER=github git push -u origin master . If that worked you can set this permanently with $ git config --global credential.github.com.provider github . You should probably also look in the Configuration options configuration .

If all the above sounds too complicated you can downgrade git for windows to 2.30. The installer can be found here: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.30.2.windows.1/Git-2.30.2-64-bit.exe

well, I had to go to C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core and start the app git-credential-manager.exe and put my credentials. Doesnt make sense, coz, after the command "push" an github screen should appear to me. I really didnt understand why it has worked.

I faced similar issue, so I downloaded GitHub Desktop version and things worked for me. It is user friendly.

While installing GIT on Windows I chose Git Credential Manager instead of new Git Credential Manager Core and it solved this problem

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