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custom delete method using autowired bean in spring boot repository

Is there a possibility inside spring boot to write a custom delete method with an autowired bean inside it. I will try to explain it:

Basically, what I currently have is:

  • a database table which stores asset metadata (uploader, friendly filename, ...)
  • a storage bucket (in my case from Azure) which stores the actual asset file data

When my database-asset is deleted, I want to be able to also delete/modify my bucket-asset.

Idealy, I would like to be able to do:

public abstract class AssetJpaRepository implements JpaRepository<Asset, Long> {

    public abstract Asset findByUuid(String uuid);

    public abstract Asset findOneByFriendlyName(String friendlyName);
    private BlobContainerClient assetContainerClient;

    public void delete(Asset asset) {
        BlobClient assetClient = assetContainerClient.getBlobClient(asset.getFileReference());

The problem now is that Spring Boot won't initialize AssetJpaRepository as a repository.

Is there a way I can do this cleanly?

Note: deleting the bucket-asset on service level is not an option, since I have parent entities which will call the asset delete method when the parent is deleted.

Thanks in advance!

首先,这不是一个好方法,您应该创建 AssetJpaRepository Interface ,然后创建一个单独的类并实现此Interface其次,您在方法顶部创建带有@Query (删除查询)注释的Native Query

You can do it as another approach.

In AssetJpaRepository.java

public interface AssetJpaRepository
implements JpaRepository<Asset, Long>, AssetJpaRepositoryCustom {

    Asset findByUuid(String uuid);

    Asset findOneByFriendlyName(String friendlyName);

In AssetJpaRepositoryCustom.java

public interface AssetJpaRepository implements AssetJpaRepositoryCustom {
    void delete(Asset asset);

In AssetJpaRepositoryImpl.java

public class AssetJpaRepositoryImpl implements AssetJpaRepositoryCustom {
    private final BlobContainerClient assetContainerClient;

    public BlobContainerClient(BlobContainerClient assetContainerClient) {
        this.assetContainerClient = assetContainerClient;

    public void delete(Asset asset) {
        BlobClient assetClient = assetContainerClient.getBlobClient(asset.getFileReference());

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