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How to call C inline assembly asm in cython?

How to call C language's inline assembly function asm() in cython? I tried a simple asm("mov $eax, 0x1") or __asm__() . It cythonizes fine until the asm -call, which then give me below error:

NameError: name 'asm' is not defined

I compile my code as python setup.py build_ext --inplace && python runids.py

It is not possible to call assembler directly from Cython. The best you can do is to wrap asm in a C-function and call it from Cython - for example using verbatim C-code like this (here for gcc):


cdef extern from *:
    void inline_asm_fun(void){
        __asm__("mov $1, %%eax" ::: "eax");
    void inline_asm_fun()
def use_inline_asm():

As @PeterCordes has pointed out, to do something useful in inline-assembler one should use extended asm , ie __asm__("mov $1, %%eax" ::: "eax") instead of simple and unsafe __asm__("mov $1, %eax") . The latter would modify %eax without notifying the compiler about it.

For MVSC, the nonstandard extension for inline-assembler is __asm but it is only supported for x86 and not x64.

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