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How to use useEffect inside a handler or vice versa?

I have a function which is handler of onChange and get value of input
and also I have a function for search in an array using searched value coming from that input
and render a component that contains searched array as props.
But I have a problem when I search it works but after second letter and when the input is empty it shows the last search.
I think it should be handled with useEffect but I dont how to solve or may be I am wrong I need help to correct that
thanks for your help.

these are my code :

getting search value part and sending as argument :

function BasePage({handleClick, handleSearch }) {
    const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState('');
    useEffect(() => {
        function handleChangeSearchInput(e) {
        const newSearchValue = e.target.value;
    return (
            value = {searchValue} 
            onChange = {handleChangeSearchInput}
            placeholder = "Enter name to search" 
            type = "text"
                <button onClick={() => handleClick('add-record-form')}>Add</button>
            <br />
            {searchValue.length > 0 && <SearchRecord record = {searchValue} />}

and this filters in parent component :

function handleSearch(searchValue) {
       const searchedTerm = contacts.filter(contact => (contact.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())));

and I use map to show them .

You shouldn't need useEffect for this. Just have the handler deal with both the setting of state, and the updating.

function handleChangeSearchInput(e) {
  const newSearchValue = e.target.value;

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