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Spring boot webclient calling api which returns XML response having 2GB best way to call

I am calling a api which returns xm response , but that response has around 2GB data , could you please help how should we call that in efficient way , now its failing to databuffer limit exceeds

below is the XML dto class

    @XmlRootElement(name = "Result")
    public class Result{
     private List<Data> dataLisst;

@XmlRootElement(name = "Data")
public class Data {

    private Integer id;
    private String dataVersion;
    private String name;

Below is the way i am calling Webclient its mono object response

public class WebclientXML {

    public Result getXMLResult() {
        return  getWebClient()

    private WebClient getWebClient() {
         return  WebClient.builder()


Assuming your remote service responds with a collection of POJOs that Jackson can deserialize as Something.class, you can do something like:

@GetMapping(path = "/streaming", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Something> streamSomething() {
  return WebClient.create()

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