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TYPO3: How do i change a part of a string in the database with QueryBuilder?

I am using TYPO3 10 and i would like to change a specific text/word inside the pi_flexform column in the tt_content table.

The concept: I want to migrate the forms folder from user_upload to form_definitions (Updating a Project from TYPO3 8 to 10) using the QueryBuilder.

I could just override the form_definitions folder back to the user_upload, but i want a clean structure. Now if i change the folder from where the forms are coming, the forms do not work anymore because in the database and in the pi_flexform column exists the following:

<field index="settings.persistenceIdentifier">
      <value index="vDEF">1:/user_upload/NameOfTheForm.form.yaml</value>

What i want, is to change the 1:/user_upload/ to 1:/form_definitions/ .

I know i will have to use the UPDATE & SET with QueryBuilder but i do not know how to use it for a specific string inside a string.

How do i achieve this?

In order to replace a specific text/word in a column, one can use QueryBuilder's UPDATE & SET functions. It looks like this:

$queryBuilder = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
             'REPLACE(tt_content.pi_flexform, %s, %s)',
              $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('user_upload', Connection::PARAM_STR),
              $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('form_definitions', Connection::PARAM_STR)

Breaking the code down:

$queryBuilder = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();

We initialise the query and we are removing all the restrictions. QueryBuilder only performs to the entries that are not set to deleted=1 or hidden =1 . We want to perform the updated path to all entries, so we remove the restrictions.


We only want to update the entries that in the pi_flexform column the word user_upload exists.

         'REPLACE(tt_content.pi_flexform, %s, %s)',
          $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('user_upload', Connection::PARAM_STR),
          $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('form_definitions', Connection::PARAM_STR)

We use the SQL REPLACE command to find the word and replace it. With the $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter() we avoid SQL injections.

Hope it helped

Best regards

You can also use a raw DB query with

$connection->query('Your raw query');

Be aware that this will only work for the specific database type and you need to take care about security yourself.

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