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SQL query to combine multiple columns

I am writing a query in SQL in AWS Athena and there's a situation for which I am not able to figure out the query.

Suppose, I have data in this format. 在此处输入图片说明

And I want my table in this format.


Is there a way we can write sql query for this. Thanks in advance.

One method is union all :

select name, idaction_url as idaction
from t
union all
select name, idaction_name
from t
union all
select name, idaction_content_interaction
from t;

Not sure if it is better option but you can transform needed fields to array and then unnest it:

WITH dataset AS (
    SELECT *
        ('a', 10, 11),
        ('b', 20,21)) AS t (user_id, idaction_1, idaction_2))

SELECT user_id, idaction
    SELECT user_id, ARRAY[idaction_1, idaction_2] arr
    FROM dataset)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(arr) as tmp(idaction)
user_id idaction
a 10
a 11
b 20
b 21

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