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Flutter iOS webview app with Geolocation website doesn't Ask For Location Permission even info.plist is adjusted

I am trying to make a webview app with a website which needs location permission to use geolocation javascript. I tried something on swift side to enable but unfortunately couldn't manage it. wkwebview-app-doesnt-ask-for-location-permission

On flutter side, I have enabled geolocation and javascript by using flutter_webview_plugin I have added same stuff to info.plist. What I have to do more to get permission and enable location for website? Thanks in advance

  child: WebviewScaffold(
            //mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture: true,
            debuggingEnabled: true,
            url: 'https://nakliyemvar.com/isveren/giris.php',
            scrollBar: false,
            //hidden: true,
            withZoom: false,
            withJavascript: true,
            geolocationEnabled: true,

            //withLocalUrl: true,
            appCacheEnabled: true,



You need to check location authorization status on Swift side and if not determined you need to request it before opening the webview. Something like this:

private func manageLocationPermission() {
    let authorizationStatus = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()
    switch authorizationStatus {
    case .notDetermined:
    case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
       // Open the webview
    case .denied:
       // Notify the user about it
    case .restricted:

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