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Abstract Method using Implementation level method

I'm implementing some classes for adjusting prices in my Ecommerce site: each class represents a different pricing adjustment strategy and belongs to an AbstractBaseClass which stipulates two methods: transform_price and transform_array .

class PricingModel(abc.ABC):
    def transform_price(self, price):

    def transform_price_array(self, price_array):
        return [self.transform_price(price) for price in price_array]

Since transform_array is simply a list comprehension of the transform_price method (which is, of course, implementation specific) I was hoping there would be some way to fully abstract this method in a way such that it still executes the implementation-specific method transform_price .

For example I would like to be able to define a PricingModel:

class PriceRatio(PricingModel):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    def transform_price(self, price):
        return new_price
    # Note the abscence of a transform_price_array method!

While still being able to access the transform_price_array method defined in the abstract class:

_ = PriceRatio.transform_price_array([1,2,3,..])

Turns out this behaviour is enabled by default.

Removed all of my implementations of the transform_price_array method, leaving only the abstract method and all my tests still passed!


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