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google-dfp enable lazy loading only on certain ads

I am using google-dfp's lazyLoading. When this is enabled, all Ads are lazy loaded. Is there a way to enable it only for specific ads and not for all?

    // Fetch slots within 6 viewports.
    fetchMarginPercent: 500,
    // Render slots within 1.04 viewports.
    renderMarginPercent: 4,
    // Double the above values on mobile, where viewports are smaller
    // and users tend to scroll faster.
    mobileScaling: 10,

There is a way of doing it by splitting your adrequests in 2 batchs :

googletag.cmd.push(function() {
  // Define ad slots.
  var slots = [
    googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe', [728, 90], 'slot-1')
    googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe', [728, 90], 'slot-2')
    googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe', [300, 250], 'slot-3')
    googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe', [300, 250], 'slot-4')
    googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel/Europe', [300, 250], 'slot-5')

  // Disable initial load to precisely control when ads are requested.

  // Enable SRA and services.

  // Issue first SRA request (slots 1 and 2) immediately.
  googletag.pubads().refresh([slots[0], slots[1]]);

  // Enable lazyLoading after 1st SRA batch
      // Fetch slots within 6 viewports.
      fetchMarginPercent: 500,
      // Render slots within 1.04 viewports.
      renderMarginPercent: 4,
      // Double the above values on mobile, where viewports are smaller
      // and users tend to scroll faster.
      mobileScaling: 10,

  // Issue second SRA request (slots 3, 4 and 5) once lazyLoading has been enabled
  googletag.pubads().refresh([slots[2], slots[3], slots[4]]);


See here for details about SRA batching.

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