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node mysql2 Incorrect arguments statement

this is my function. If I remove the ? and enter the info manually it executes, I would assume this is how you pass in parameters. is this correct? If i console log the params they all work, I am assuming the way the params are been passed down

async function getMultiple(page = 1){
    const offset = helper.getOffset(page, config.listPerPage);
    const rows = await db.query(
        'SELECT id, quote, author FROM quote LIMIT ?,?',
        [offset, config.listPerPage]
    const data = helper.emptyOrRows(rows);
    const meta = {page};

    return {

module.exports = {

So it turns out that the mysql version I had installed (8.0.23) has a problem with prepared statements (or a different way). I had to downgrade to less than that and it worked as expected. I downgraded to 5.7

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