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How to display Image saved in storage folder on blade

I would like to display an image saved in storage directory in a blade view. I am succesfully storing the file to the storage/app/public folder like so ProfilesController file:

`if(request('image')) {
            $imagePath = request('image')->store('profile', 'public');

            $image = Image::make(public_path("storage/{$imagePath}"))->fit(1000, 1000);

            ['image' => $imagePath] 

Now I would like to retrieve the image in my index.blade.php file. This is how have done it:

<img src="/storage/{{$user->profile->image}}" alt="">

The laravel documentation says use storage link in my terminal I did this

php artisan storage:link

I tried all that but there is no image loading to the view!

What am I doing wrong and how to fix!

    <img class="" src="{{ Storage::disk('name-option')->url('full path.jpg') }}"  alt="">

disk('name-option') 是您可以跳过的选项

<img class="" src="{{ Storage::url('full path.jpg') }}"  alt="">


public function getImageAttribute($image) { return asset('storage'.$image); }

This is how I would solve it. The actual solution is on linking the storage directory with the public folder via the storage:link command as per the documentation enter link description here

if(request('image')) {
       $imageName=time().'.' . $request->file('image')->extension();

        $imagePath = request('image')->storeAs('profile', $imageName);

        //you can use $imagePath to save the name as well as the path of the image


In your filesystems.php file in the config folder, append the profile folder to match with the public folder like this:

'links' => [
    public_path('storage') => storage_path('app/public'),
    public_path('profile') => storage_path('app/profile'),


Ensure you re-run the command:

php artisan storage:link

In order to access the image,

<img src="{{asset($user->profile->image)}}" alt="">

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