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How to keep information in textboxes of a child form that was loaded in TableLayoutPanel?

I need to keep the information that was entered in textboxes even if the user opened another child form,

for example: let's say we have 2 forms to be loaded in the same cell of a TableLayoutPanel

  1. the user entered the required information BUT they clicked on a button to open another form for any reason.

2.when they back to continue then the form is new and empty then they have to re-enter all the information again.

how to avoid that, and please take a look at my code (does it need any modifications for the same purpose).

bool isChildAlready = false;
string childName = null;

private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmEmp chld = new frmEmp();
        private void loadChild(Form child)
            if (isChildAlready)
                if (child.Name != childName)
                    child.TopLevel = false;
                    child.BackColor = this.tlbMain.BackColor;
                    child.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                    this.tlbMain.Controls.Add(child, 1, 0);
                    isChildAlready = true;
                    childName = child.Name;
                child.TopLevel = false;
                child.BackColor = this.tlbMain.BackColor;
                child.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                this.tlbMain.Controls.Add(child, 1, 0);
                isChildAlready = true;
                childName = child.Name;

Thank you.

With the following code, you can add infinite Form to TableLayoutPanel .

And then return to the previous control by pressing the clear button .

I used a static class with a static list to hold the Forms .

add form

private void btnGetTaker_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count > 0)
        StoreData.Controls.Add(tableLayoutPanel1.GetControlFromPosition(1, 0));
   frmEmp child = new frmEmp();
   child.TopLevel = false;
   tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(child, 1,0);
   child.FormClosing += T_FormClosing;
private void T_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

clear tablelayoutpanel

private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void ComeBackForm()
   if (tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count > 0)
       var child = StoreData.Controls.LastOrDefault();

and StoreControl.cs

public static class StoreData
    public static List<Control> Controls { get; set; } = new List<Control>();

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