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Why new and delete operators signatures are different from all other operators

The signature for the new operator is:

void* operator new(size_t count)

There is a white space between the word "operator" and the word "new". This is:

  1. Different from all other operator signatures (besides new, delete and their array counterparts). for example:

    T& operator=(const T& other)

  2. Does not comply with function name rules of C++ which do not allow white spaces.

I assume that "operator" is a keyword in this case... But if this is correct, why isn't this the case in all other operator function signatures?

Is there an explanation for the inconsistency?

void* operatornew(size_t count) is a function named operatornew that takes a size_t and returns a void* .

The reason no space is needed in operator= and most other operators is that those symbols are not valid in a name, so operator= does not need the space.

The C++ grammar is actually written in terms of tokens, which is consistent between all types of operator definitions. operator s are special-purpose and fixed in terms of what tokens can follow after the operator keyword, but the whitespace that occurs is not mandated anywhere in the standard.

As far as the C++ grammar is concerned, there is no difference between the following signatures:

auto operator+=(const Foo&) -> Foo&
auto operator +=(const Foo&) -> Foo&
auto operator += (const Foo&) -> Foo&
(const Foo&) -> Foo&

See example

operator new is no more, or less, consistent here. The only deviation here is that some operators allow no space after the operator token, such as operator= -- and the reason for this is the way that tokens are broken up in the C++ grammar.

Most tokens are alphanumeric sequences that break on special characters, such as whitespace or + , = , etc. In this case, operator= breaks into two tokens -- operator and = , which form the operator.

This also follows that some operators are also compounds of multiple tokens, such as operator new[] -- which can also be written operator new [] , since it is comprised of 3 tokens: operator , new , and [] , as evident in the footnote from [over.oper.general]/1 :

[Note 1 : The operators new[], delete[], (), and [] are formed from more than one token. The latter two operators are function call and subscripting. — end note]

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