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python UnicodeDecodeError of POST method

=> POST text <=

Main.py code:

        file = open(os.environ['TEMP']+'\\BFCP.SCRSH.TEMP.png','rb')
        files = {sd: file.read()}
        rs = requests.post('', files=files)

sd - image code (5dfghr7efh) Here I want to send PIL.image (self.cropped.save) to server by post method. server.py code:

        import socket
        client_socket,adress =  server.accept()
        data = client_socket.recv(2048)
        f = open('code','wb')
        data = data.decode('utf-8')
        print(client_socket, adress,data)

Main.py error:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))

server.py error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "server.py", line 75, in <module>
  File "server.py", line 21, in start
    data = data.decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 363: invalid start byte

What's wrong with my code ?

decode() is for text files but you send image.

Don't use decode() for images, audio files, movies, excel files, PDF, etc.

You may get only headers (all before empty line \\n\\n ) and decode headers
but rest ( body with form data) display without decoding.

headers, body = data.split(b'\n\n')

headers = headers.decode('utf-8')


Eventually you should split body into parts image info , image data using also \\n\\n and decode info but not data . And then you may save data as image.png .

It shows that using socket may need a lot of work and it may be simpler to use module http to create server. OR event simpler can be use web frameworks like flask to run server.

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