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how to change json file import path in javascript

Hi here is what is working and what i need to change. I have under my SCR folder a data folder for testing purposes in which there are many json files.

I actually have many react list component which I want to change to only one generic component by passing the json filename and path instead of hardcoding it. this works

import React from 'react'
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import * as s from '../../components/Shared/ListCards.styles'

import ListData from '../../data/user.json'

const ListCards = () => {
    const listJSX = ListData.map((user, index) => {
        return ()

I would like to change

import ListData from '../../data/user.json'
import ListData from 'path/filename.json'

path and filename is stored in localStorage


You could use dynamic imports

const { default: ListData } = await import('path/filename.json');


You may want to considering using the fetch api instead, if the path stored inside your local storage relates to a URL:

const ListCards = () => {
    const { listData, setListData } = useState([]);
    (async () => {
        const response = await fetch('/urlpath/filename.json')
        const data = await response.json()
    const listJSX = listData.map((user, index) => {
        return ()

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