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Password protecting an Excel file created using write.xlsx in R with openxlsx

I want to password protect a large number of .xslx files I'm creating using a particular workflow. The workflow is simple and relies on having a named list of smaller data frames that I write using the write.xlsx command from openxlsx in R. Is there a solution to password protecting these files with protectWorkbook using a similar workflow? Thank you.


## Create reprex using diamonds

df_ls <- diamonds %>% 
  select_if(is.ordered) %>% 
  gather(key, value) %>% 
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped

## I like to use lists to write to .xlsx
## because write.xlsx creates each object 
## in the list as its own sheet and names
## it using the list names.

.path <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")

write.xlsx(df_ls, file = .path)

## I want to password protect this file(s)

map(.path, ~{protectWorkbook(.x, protect = TRUE, password = "random-password")})

# Error in protectWorkbook(.x, protect = TRUE, password = "random-password") : 
#   First argument must be a Workbook.

Created on 2021-07-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

You need to create a workbook object first as I think that is what the error is indicating. The write.xlsx isn't recognized as a workbook object and that is required for the protectWorkbook argument.

df_ls <- diamonds %>% 
  select_if(is.ordered) %>% 
  gather(key, value) %>% 

wb = createWorkbook()

lapply(seq_along(df_ls), function(i){
  addWorksheet(wb=wb, sheetName = names(df_ls[i])) #Add each sheet
  writeData(wb, sheet = i, df_ls[[i]])       #Add data to each sheet
  protectWorksheet(wb, sheet = i, protect = TRUE, password = "Password") #Protect each sheet

saveWorkbook(wb, "example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

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