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Return all id's from a deeply nested Object of arrays and objects

Assuming I have this deeply nested object

let obj = {
  comp: "el",
  type: "ele",
  children: [
      children: [
          text: "text",
          children: [],
          uid: "-5zIANJjCz-qU0MNcf5E1",
          children: [],
          uid: "bpeVj4NaD_Io3WP7V0v91"
      uid: "ZygtUliVsFbFpbmHv5yp9"
      children: [
          text: "text",
          children: [],
          uid: "qmw59v1BVRMEuM8r9VvQp",
          text: "text. ",
          children: [],
          uid: "q-QeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu"
      uid: "rp_gURLFIgd1n7bn-pRhn"
      children: [
          text: "text",
          children: [],
          uid: "8gIytZ52tq0mqiVAhAJLN",
          text: "text",
          children: [],
          uid: "q-QeeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu"
      uid: "M3hqA-Rp1wQz60IVdIGUX"
  uid: "M4JBL9SoOOLo5iQSb5M_P"

How would I go about getting an array of all uid values?

Currently I am using object scan


const find = (data, needle) => objectScan([needle], { rtn: "value" })(data);
const allIds = find(obj, "**.uid");

This works really well but I am curious how this could be achieved with recursion.

It's pretty easy with a simple helper function that gathers results paired with one that uses that to get the id of every node visited::

 const gather = (fn) => (o) => [fn (o), ... (o .children || []) .flatMap (gather (fn))] const obj = {comp: "el", type: "ele", children: [{children: [{text: "text", children: [], uid: "-5zIANJjCz-qU0MNcf5E1"}, {text: "text", children: [], uid: "bpeVj4NaD_Io3WP7V0v91"}], uid: "ZygtUliVsFbFpbmHv5yp9"}, {children: [{text: "text", children: [], uid: "qmw59v1BVRMEuM8r9VvQp"}, {text: "text. ", children: [], uid: "q-QeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu"}], uid: "rp_gURLFIgd1n7bn-pRhn"}, {children: [{text: "text", children: [], uid: "8gIytZ52tq0mqiVAhAJLN"}, {text: "text", children: [], uid: "q-QeeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu"}], uid: "M3hqA-Rp1wQz60IVdIGUX"}], uid: "M4JBL9SoOOLo5iQSb5M_P"} console .log (gather (x => x .uid) (obj)) // or, storing the uid function in a helper: // const extractUids = gather (x => x .uid) // console .log (extractUids (obj))

But if you have no other need for the generic solution, you can alternatively inline that helper directly into the function:

const extractUids = (o) => 
  [o .uid, ... (o .children || []) .flatMap (extractUids)]

For trees (and graphs without cycles) you can use simple recursion-based strategy as follows:

function reduceTree<Item, Acc>(
    next: (item: Item) => Item[],
    reducer: (acc: Acc, item: Item) => Acc
) {
    const step = (acc: Acc, item: Item): Acc => next(item)
        .reduce((_, child) => step(_, child), reducer(acc, item));
    return step;

// Test
const allIds = reduceTree(
    (item: TreeItem) => item.children,
    (allIds: string[], item) => [...allIds, item.uid]
    [], obj

TS Playground

You can use a recursive generator function:

 function* get_uid(d){ yield* ('uid' in d ? [d.uid] : []) for (var c of ('children' in d ? d.children : [])){ yield* get_uid(c) } } let obj = {'comp': 'el', 'type': 'ele', 'children': [{'children': [{'text': 'text', 'children': [], 'uid': '-5zIANJjCz-qU0MNcf5E1'}, {'text': 'text', 'children': [], 'uid': 'bpeVj4NaD_Io3WP7V0v91'}], 'uid': 'ZygtUliVsFbFpbmHv5yp9'}, {'children': [{'text': 'text', 'children': [], 'uid': 'qmw59v1BVRMEuM8r9VvQp'}, {'text': 'text. ', 'children': [], 'uid': 'q-QeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu'}], 'uid': 'rp_gURLFIgd1n7bn-pRhn'}, {'children': [{'text': 'text', 'children': [], 'uid': '8gIytZ52tq0mqiVAhAJLN'}, {'text': 'text', 'children': [], 'uid': 'q-QeeWlEnKvVTjD0dPRXCu'}], 'uid': 'M3hqA-Rp1wQz60IVdIGUX'}], 'uid': 'M4JBL9SoOOLo5iQSb5M_P'} var result = [...get_uid(obj)] console.log(result);

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