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Powershell - Running Command on CMD - Wildcards Throw Error

I am trying to run the following Powershell command via CMD:

powershell -command "Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | Where-Object {$_.CommandLine -like \"*C:\Windows\Test*\" } | Select-Object ProcessName, CommandLine"

The command above runs fine directly on Powershell, but only causes problems when I try to run it on CMD. In my testing, I discovered that the * symbol fails to process correctly, I tried to put a backslash before the symbol for testing and that has not done the trick. Is there a way to get this to work with the * symbol in CMD?

Edit: This command is used to view processes that contain a command-line of C:\\Windows\\Test

Simpler still, no need for PowerShell :

wmic process where "commandline like '%c:\\windows\\test%'" get name, commandline

And just for completeness, to remain properly on topic, using PowerShell from cmd.exe, I'd do it more like this:

powershell -noprofile "get-ciminstance -query \"select * from win32_process where commandline like '%c:\\windows\\test%'\" | select-object -property processname, commandline"

Compo's helpful wmic solution is both simpler and more efficient than a call to the Windows PowerShell CLI ( powershell.exe ), but it's worth noting that:

  • The wmic.exe CLI is deprecated , as evidenced by WMIC is deprecated. printing in red when you invoke its command-line help ( wmic /? ) as of Windows 10 20H2; curiously, however, the docs do not mention deprecation. That said, wmic.exe probably won't go away.

  • Undoubtedly, however, from inside PowerShell the CIM cmdlets (eg, Get-CimInstance ) are preferable , [1] not least because they return rich objects rather than mere text .

As for what you tried :

  • Your command does work from cmd.exe (and, conversely, does not from PowerShell , because inside PowerShell you need `" or "" - not \\" - to embed " characters in a "..." string)

  • The only problem is that powershell.exe process executing the Get-WmiObject call is invariably included in the search results , because it itself contains the search term.

Therefore, the only tweak needed is to exclude the powershell.exe process itself from the results , using the automatic $PID variable , which reflects the session's own process ID:

  • Note: For the reasons discussed above, I'm using Get-CimInstance instead of Get-WmiObject . Note the addition of the Where-Object ProcessId -ne $PID pipeline segment.
powershell -c "Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.CommandLine -like \"*C:\Windows\Test*\" } | Where-Object ProcessId -ne $PID | Select-Object ProcessName, CommandLine"

A slightly more efficient alternative is to filter at the WMI source , using Get-CimInstance 's -Filter parameter, which accepts (part of) a WQL query (note the use of % as the wildcard character, and the need to double literal \\ instances; as a side effect, the Where-Object ProcessId -ne $PID filter is no longer needed):

powershell -c "Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter 'CommandLine like \"%C:\\Windows\\Test%\"' | Select-Object ProcessName, CommandLine"

[1] The CIM cmdlets (eg, Get-CimInstance ) superseded the WMI cmdlets (eg, Get-WmiObject ) in PowerShell v3 (released in September 2012). Therefore, the WMI cmdlets should be avoided, not least because PowerShell (Core) (v6+), where all future effort will go, doesn't even have them anymore. Note that WMI still _underlies the CIM cmdlets, however. For more information, see this answer .

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