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Resilience4J in Springboot is not working as expecting

I'm trying to add resilience4j into my app for exponential backoff, etc.


public class ResilienceService {
    private static final String BACKEND_A = "backendA";

    public ResilienceService() throws IOException {

    @Retry(name = BACKEND_A)
    public void testRetry() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Hey it's working!");
        throw new IOException();




I'm trying to basically see if resilience lib will call this function 3 times. How should I think about both configuring this correctly and also testing that the retries are actually happening? I thought I could put a breakpoint on the method and see it call 3 times, but maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Aside from the comment by @M.Deinum above, you may also have caught out by resilience4j-springboot2 not depending on spring aop by default.

Eg you might need:


To be fair, the documentation does state :

Add the Spring Boot 2 Starter of Resilience4j to your compile dependency.

The module expects that org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator and org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aopare already provided at runtime

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