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How to append a new row in a dataframe by searching for an existing column value without iterating?

I'm trying to find the best way to create new rows for every 1 row when a certain value is contained in a column.

Example Dataframe

Index Person Drink_Order
1 Sam Jack and Coke
2 John Coke
3 Steve Dr. Pepper

I'd like to search the DataFrame for Jack and Coke, remove it and add 2 new records as Jack and Coke are 2 different drink sources.

Index Person Drink_Order
2 John Coke
3 Steve Dr. Pepper
4 Sam Jack Daniels
5 Sam Coke

Example Code that I want to replace as my understanding is you should never modify rows you are iterating

for index, row in df.loc[df['Drink_Order'].str.contains('Jack and Coke')].iterrows():
    df.loc[len(df)]=[row['Person'],'Jack Daniels']

df = df[df['Drink_Order']!= 'Jack and Coke']

Split using and. That will result in a list. Explode list to get each element in a list appear as an individual row. Then conditionally rename Jack to Jack Daniels

 df= df.assign(Drink_Order=df['Drink_Order'].str.split('and')).explode('Drink_Order')
df['Drink_Order']=np.where(df['Drink_Order'].str.contains('Jack'),'Jack Daniels',df['Drink_Order'])

    Index Person   Drink_Order
0      1    Sam  Jack Daniels
0      1    Sam          Coke
1      2   John          Coke
2      3  Steve    Dr. Pepper

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