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Interactive plotting of a subset of a dataframe

I have a dataframe of the number of vaccinations per country and per vaccine (here is only an extract, there is about 30 countries in the full dataset).

Country    Vaccines  Total vaccinations
Austria      Pfizer               65000
Austria     Moderna               56000
Austria  Astrazenca                9000
    USA      Pfizer              110000
    USA     Moderna               90000
    USA          JJ               46000
  India     Covaxin              312000
  India  Covishield              256000
Germany      Pfizer               36000
Germany     Moderna               22000
Germany     Covaxin                7000
Germany  Astrazenca               14500

I would like to generate a bar plot of the number of vaccinations per vaccine for a given country. I would like the plot to be interactive by selecting the country with a drop down menu.

Assuming you are using a Jupyter notebook .

Input data:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['Austria', 'Austria', 'Austria', 'USA', 'USA', 'USA', 'India', 'India', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Germany'],
                   'Vaccines':  ['Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'Astrazenca', 'Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'JJ', 'Covaxin', 'Covishield', 'Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'Covaxin', 'Astrazenca'],
                   'Total vaccinations': [ 65000,  56000,   9000, 110000,  90000,  46000, 312000, 256000,        36000,  22000,   7000,  14500],

You can create a function to plot only one country and call it interactively using ipywidgets :

import ipywidgets as widgets

def plot_bars(country):
    df.query('Country == @country').plot.bar(x='Vaccines', y='Total vaccinations')

widgets.interact(plot_bars, country=widgets.Dropdown(value='Austria', options=df.Country.unique()))


Here is an alternative version to keep the layout of the graphs identical among graphs:

import ipywidgets as widgets

df2 = df.pivot(index='Vaccines', columns='Country').fillna(0).astype(int)['Total vaccinations']

def plot_bars(country):
    ax = df2[country].plot.bar()

widgets.interact(plot_bars, country=widgets.Dropdown(value='Austria', options=df.Country.unique()))


Full code:

import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as widgets

df = pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['Austria', 'Austria', 'Austria', 'USA', 'USA', 'USA', 'India', 'India', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Germany', 'Germany'],
                   'Vaccines':  ['Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'Astrazenca', 'Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'JJ', 'Covaxin', 'Covishield', 'Pfizer', 'Moderna', 'Covaxin', 'Astrazenca'],
                   'Total vaccinations': [ 65000,  56000,   9000, 110000,  90000,  46000, 312000, 256000,        36000,  22000,   7000,  14500],

def plot_bars(country):
    df.query('Country == @country').plot.bar(x='Vaccines', y='Total vaccinations')

widgets.interact(plot_bars, country=widgets.Dropdown(value='Austria', options=df.Country.unique()));

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