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How to use generic types correctly in HOC components?

Here is my parent component (Grid), (here I pass more props used by hoc but I ommited them here):

<QuickBooksTable itemList={quickBooksList} />

Here is the table component:

export const QuickBooksTable = withIntegrationTable(props: : WithIntegrationTableChildProps & WithIntegrationTableProps) => ...

Here is the hoc:

export function withIntegrationTable<T extends WithIntegrationTableProps>(Component: React.ComponentType<T>) {
return (
    }: WithIntegrationTableProps & T
  ) => {
    const [state, setState] = useState<WithIntegrationTableState>({
      tableItems: new Array<any>(),
      selectedItems: new Set<string>(),
      isAllItemsSelected: false

    useEffect(() => {
      const tableItems = mapItemList(itemList, currentUser);
    }, [itemList]);

    <Component {...props as T}

But when it compiles it says: Element QuickBooksTable doesn't have required attribute (here is another props name) . How should I use the types and generics to remove this error? I've tried to read the docs but I can't understand what I am doing wrong.

I think this is what you try to achieve.

import React from 'react';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

interface WithIntegrationTableProps {
    itemList: string[]

interface WithIntegrationTableState { }

export const withIntegrationTable = <P extends WithIntegrationTableState>(
    Component: React.ComponentType<P & { 
        tableState: WithIntegrationTableState
): React.FC<P & WithIntegrationTableProps> => ({
}: WithIntegrationTableProps) => {
    const mapItemList = (itemList: any, currentUser: any) => {


    const [state, setState] = useState<WithIntegrationTableState>({
        tableItems: new Array<any>(),
        selectedItems: new Set<string>(),
        isAllItemsSelected: false

    useEffect(() => {
        const tableItems = mapItemList(itemList, null);
    }, [itemList]);

    return <Component {...props as P} tableState={state} />

export const QuickBooksTable = withIntegrationTable(({ ...props }) => {
    return <div>

const App = () => {
    return <QuickBooksTable itemList={[]} />

export default App

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