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Autodesk Forge GetBulkProperties2

I'm currently trying to viewer.model.getBulkProperties2() because I need the externalIds of the model. I've been using a loop with getProperties() to get the externalId but whenever I try it with very large NWDs firefox / chrome crashes.

The thing is, even if I specify in the options object that I need the external ids with needsExternalId:true , the function is not returning them. This is the affected portion of my code :


The property I'm using is just Name, and this is the returned res variable:

        "dbId": 2,
        "properties": [
                "displayName": "Nombre",
                "displayValue": "Nivel 1",
                "displayCategory": "Datos de identidad",
                "attributeName": "Name",
                "type": 20,
                "units": "",
                "hidden": false,
                "precision": 0
        "dbId": 3,
        "properties": [
                "displayName": "Nombre",
                "displayValue": "Nivel 2",
                "displayCategory": "Datos de identidad",
                "attributeName": "Name",
                "type": 20,
                "units": "",
                "hidden": false,
                "precision": 0

Am I messing anything up?


Adding to Sebastian's answer:

In order to retrieve external IDs for a list of objects in bulk, you'll need to do both:

  1. Set the options.needsExternalId property to true (the table of external IDs can be quite large and therefore is excluded by default; setting this flag will ensure that the table is loaded)

  2. Include externalId in the list of properties to retrieve (in the options.propFilter array)

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