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How can i start node typescript process (Express API) in background?

I have a express API i need to start this process in background to continue when i close the connection (Ubuntu Server - Terminal)

node --inspect -r ts-node/register server.ts


In regards to NodeJS applications, check out PM2 to run, and automatically restart your application in the event of a crash or system reboot .

npm install -g pm2
pm2 start server.js
pm2 save
pm2 startup

Generally in production, you should be utilizing your transpiled JavaScript, instead of TypeScript directly, hence my use of server.js , but nothing stops you from integrating TypeScript with PM2 .

For a more broad answer, screen can be used to run processes in the background. This should be installed by default, if not run: sudo apt install screen

Using screen:

  • Run screen -S <session_name> to open a new session, press SPACE to push through the licensing gibberish.
  • Start the desired processes in your screen session.
  • Press CTRL A then CTRL D to detach from the session; this will continue to run even if you close your terminal.
  • Run screen -r <session_name> to return to your screen session, screen -list lists all active screen sessions.
  • Press CTRL D or run exit in a screen session to terminate it.

View the manpages for more details.

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